A smile is a curve that sets a lot of things straight. // Улыбайся, люди любят идиотов.
Mmm? Nah, it's not about wedding....
ew, nope, neither it's abut marriage itself, ppls
Any more ideas? ohhhh that's it! Yup-yup, you, yes, you *nods* your thought is totally correct *nod-nods* it's about prejudice n superstition *nod-nod-nods*
what new can be said abt those 2 things? Aside from they totally destroy life but let ppl feel better for doing or not doing something out for some sort of reassurance of better end if they follow public opinion or experience/believes of old. Sure, cool, reassurance helps ppl to look straight ahead of them, brushing away fear and doubt.
But in how many cases does it have completely opposite effect? How often do those two blasted things make ppl do something they don't actually want to do, to make choices they wouldn't want to make, to make them uneasy n sulk in the end for not following the lead of their heart or mind?
Way too often, isn't it? Can bet, anyone have their own examples when had to do soemthing not 'cause wanted to, but 'cause it is common to act this way. And what to do with slapped away fingers that desired to do things their way, may it be not correct but their own? What to do with swallowed emotions you could have never said 'cause those emotions 'aren't acceptable at certain situation'?
Ppl live in the society that yells it's modern n civilized, that everyone has their own choices to make n ideas to voice n be accepted. Then why it's so hard to let the things go that should go? So-called democracy yerns to free people n let them be themselves, sensible, just, n free in their doing, then why even in 1st world countries that shuld be outmost developed in all senses, such things as public acceptance/non acceptance, contempt are still so common n loved? Why superstitions rule over the mind n heart? So hard, so hard to let go of things that are so deep rooted in historical memory? Person, you, you should be able to distinguish your wishes n the pressure from outside, then you can achieve happiness with your own hands, never looking back or regretting something. Your decisions, your choices are your life. You make them, you live through them n get your own experience from them, yours n yours only, be it useful or harmful, success or regret, you reached it on your own n next time you can do it better. That's what you should aim for. To be freed.

^ The Crap above is written after reading one psychological book. Just couldn't resist not doing it xD Never read 3rd sort books ppl, you can write this *** even w/o talent or diploma. The only thing you should knwo abt it, keep up with abstract questioning for none, have undertone of motivation to action n most important start so it doesn't seem like scientific boring report ew. n your book will be a hit. Ew. EW xD

@темы: Литература, Мысли вслух