
A smile is a curve that sets a lot of things straight. // Улыбайся, люди любят идиотов.
- What are you gonna do if the world around you won't notice you? When no one sees you even if you are in the same room? Plainly said, if you are constantly ignored by everyone?

-Read manga, books & watch anime of course!!

08.07.2007 в 11:09

!!!Vive la vie!!! (c)
What are you gonna do if the world around you won't notice you? When no one sees you even if you are in the same room? Plainly said, if you are constantly ignored by everyone?

it will be maybe the most beautiful time in my life coz i'm really tired of people, big cities, university...i meet lots of people every day. it's TO difficult. Sometimes I even haven't enough power to say "hello"...I feel myself completely overflowed. And can imagine what you feel living in Moscow.
08.07.2007 в 21:20

A smile is a curve that sets a lot of things straight. // Улыбайся, люди любят идиотов.
Sometimes i think so too=)) but usually such thoughts towards my relatives, not friends and acquantances... but yes, from time to time a mood like 'fuck off everyone' surely overhelms=))))) so, i do understand u perfectly=))))

honestly, i don't feel anything... 'cause people in Moscow are busy and selfish(they don't have time to chit-chat=))) in Moscow u r mostly surrounded by an invisible wall from people with whom u don't have good relationships=))

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