воскресенье, 23 апреля 2006
Symbol: the Lion
Ruling Planet: the Sun
Ruling House: Fifth House
Element: Fire
Quality: Fixed
Body Parts: heart, back
Date with destiny: Aries, Sagittarius
Run for the hills: Taurus, Scorpio
Where you glow: center stage
What makes you tick: leading
Fitness forecast: Tae-Bo
Play date: attending a movie premier
Perfect jobs: actor, cruise ship host
Best accessory: hairbrush
A sure thing: basking in the glow
Destination: Singapore
Pleasure: daydreams, generosity, courage
Pain: keeping up appearances, losing, being bossed around
Kindness: Because of your generous nature, you give all that you have to help out in a crisis, and then some.
What's my line? There's no business like show business.
Karma sign- Capricorn
Success at any price seems to be your motto. The price you usually pay is never being able to relax and enjoy life. Your nose is always to the grindstone -- and amazingly, it seems that you do it all to benefit others. Because you are so persistent you usually achieve your goals and find yourself in positions of authority. But shouldn't you examine the cost? If you want to ever evolve you might try answering this question -- 'Why am I working so hard all the time?' Your family and friends have probably been asking you this for so long it no long registers. And you might have pushed the answer so far down because the truth just might blow your entire do-gooder image. The answer is fear -- that's right, your need to control your environment so it never gets a chance to control you. You might want to explore your relationship with your mother as well. Who you are isn't bad -- in fact you can make wonderful things happen. You should just be honest with yourself about the motivation.
Love sign - Virgo
Having your Venus in Virgo can be a bit of a sticky wicket: you're bound to be looking for the perfect relationship, but does such a thing even exist? Probably not, but these folks will delight in giving it a try! Those with this placement are methodical and evaluative in the game of love, adding and subtracting with each step to see if the sum total is a winner. Relating to others is important here, as is grasping the meaning of life. Is the latter possible? If anyone will get it, these folks will! A strong sense of what they want and need will keep those with this placement continually questing, at times resulting in a critical streak which is generally aimed at the self. While generally self-possessed, those with Virgo in the House of Love are not likely to be the ones initiating the romance dance. A bit of reserve dictates that their prospective mate will have to come a-courting, and with any kind of luck, they'll come loaded with sincere compliments. Boy, will that get results! The sweetest result will be a loyal and dedicated partner, as those with their Venus in Virgo are truest in an understanding relationship which shows promise of growth.
Luck sign - Gemini
You can find luck through your intellect. Quick to learn, with an even quicker tongue, you are able to absorb knowledge and present it clearly. Position yourself where you can teach others, communicate all of your ideas and be exposed to new ones. Easily bored and with a short attention span, you need a stimulating environment to keep you out of trouble. To make more luck come your way, learn to value the emotional and physical needs of yourself and others.
Passion sign - Leo
Lucky Mars in Leo! You are overflowing with passion, love of life, and personal magnetism! Your flamboyance and grand nature is rarely matched, and you love the attention you attract. Love is fun, and appreciation of the bigger and better things in life will always be yours. Your energies are often organized and directed. You would make an excellent lover, as it gratifies you to see others enjoying themselves with the same intensity you do. You are creative and playful, and of course, passionate about it all! In matters of the heart, protect yourself from your own ego! It means well, but is so enthusiastic and powerful, it may begin to disrupt you and your partners' domestic bliss! You are willful, so just a little bit of effort will go a long way! You offer generosity to your lovers and are happiest when your love is reciprocated.