there're three ways of acting:

1. Understanding, accepting & solving.

2. Ignoring

3. Running away

As i can suppose, i have choosen ignoring of problem. or running away, because i haven't done anything to solve it. But i do understand tge reasons of that problem. But I I have no idea before that i'm so weak. I can't help even myself. Then what can i say about other people?! How can i help them, when i can't get around myself!

I know some reasons, which got me down. But i can't believe in them. I surely can't! It's impossible! It's fucking ridiculuos & impossible! I can't have a breakdown because of them! It's.. It's...

And there's no way to help me... They even can't see it. How they cen help then? I have to set out at last! There's no time to wait, or it becomes worse... I wouldn't ask for help. I don't need it anymore. I should do it myself. That's all that i can see clearly.

I even can't imagine that this lesson would break me down so fiercly. I have to live through it & understand the meaning of it.